

Adverts are important to TV producers and manufacturers because  it is a designed message used to persuade consumers to buy the products or services.

There are different types of advertising as there are different means of mass media for example:

Print media
- newspapers, magazines, booklets, brochures, direct mailers, handbills or flyers, billboards, books

Electronic media
- television, radio, new-age media like the internet. computers, telephones, emails, websites, podcasts, e Forums, social media, blogging, YouTube etc

Advertising is essential to companies as it helps consumers know about the product or persuade them to buy the product.

Every advert has different target audiences and different products and prices

for example on children programmes, a lot of the adverts advertise toys, TV shows the child may be interested in watching and a lot of these adverts audiences are the children and their parents because the parents will be able to buy the product in which the child would like.

an example of an advert with these properties is:

Disney XD -

on the channel - Disney XD - which is a children channel, advertise a lot of products including toothbrushes, figures/ toys, game consoles and puzzles.

the way these adverts are advertised are very similar as it is fast paced as the audience will most likely be children. A lot of them are also quite colourful to attract the attention of kids.

all of the adverts show the product being used and they are presented very enthusiastically and show's that the products are really fun and entertaining.

These adverts are mainly targeted towards families with young children as some of the products are  for multiple people as some show children playing these games together.

And a lot of these toys use a sort of animated technique that allows them to use the products without actually doing it manually for example, Nerf guns use this feature to show the bullet capacity.


Nerf gun advert - example

in this advert it starts of with a bunch of clips of people playing with these guns and then it transitions into a full screen shot of them going from one side to another showing the speed of the bullet load as well as a full view of the product.

it then goes to the kids firing the Nerf gun as well as more shots of the gun and then it cuts to the slogan of Nerf which is:

in the background of this advert there is a voice-over telling the audience about the product and there are multiple sound effects used for the gun and the cuts which makes the product seem more extreme to the child viewer it also makes the product seem much cooler to a kid.

the mise-en-scene

the setting in this advert is in some sort of park, the props in the ad is the guns and the bullets, the people in the shot are wearing clothes that you can run in and their expression is happy to show that the product is fun.

the shots in this advert begin with:

medium long shot                                     
                                              medium close up on the gun

big close up                                                                                                                       
 medium shot

long shot                                   

big close up

close up                                                                                   

medium close up

medium long shot                                                                                   


there are some adverts that persuade consumers to donate to a charity and there are multiple kinds like to help animals, help people get safe drinkable water.

an example of one i have seen is dogs trust

dogs trust ad

this advert focuses on finding homes for dogs and making sure they are loved and safe

in this advert it starts off with someone making a balloon dog
medium close up

next it cuts to families walking dogs
which is a long shot

it then cuts to the dogs with their balloon dog doppelgangers as they float away - this is a medium long shot

the balloon dogs float away to some people - this is a medium shot

 the people go to the real dogs and adopt them - this shot is also a medium shot

one dog is left behind as the balloon wasn't found - this is also a medium shot

then someone found the dogs balloon - i think this would be a medium long shot

the woman who found the dogs balloon goes to see him - this shot is also a medium long shot

in the background of this advert there is music featuring just the guitar as well as singing and this is played all the through till the end and then there is a little speaking at the end saying that:

every dog has a special someone, there just waiting to be found

at the end it showed the logo of the organisation and it said to visit the website for more information.

This advert contrasted a lot with the NERF gun advert mainly because of the topic and how it is portrayed

in the Nerf gun advert was more enthusiastic and was fast paced which in my opinion made it have less impact on the virewer, however, the dogs trust advert was much slower so it made a bigger impact in my opinion as it was more emotional than the Nerf gun ad.

both adverts were targeted towards different audiences:

the NERF gun ad was for children
and the dogs trust ad was for dog lovers and adults.


the Nerf gun advert used fast paced action, showed more about the product in how it works and the functions in a way which children will take note on and as it shows that the product is cool and that would persuade children to want one.

the persuasive advert technique in this advert i think was Logos because it showed the viewer what the product has to offer with examples in the ad.

the dogs trust advert was slower in pace and left an imprint on the viewer as it used a technique called Pathos - which evokes an emotion response on viewer and i think it was well achieved in this ad because it made it memorable to a viewer.

in the advert it was aimed at adults so it would have to have a larger impact on them to make them want to adopt a dog.

in my opinion the main similarity is that they both worked effectively to there target audience in that the adverts were tailored in a way the audience would like to see it.

My Advert On

Image result for prang watercolours"Image result for prang watercolours"Image result for prang watercolours"
audience fro PRANG Watercolours

the main audience for the watercolours is artsy people and students, but the age range could be anyone as it is a product that anyone from any age could be interested in buying it.

on my survey that i made the information that i got show that most of the people who took my survey draw on paper sometimes.

my survey also shows that they do use colour in there drawings and the results are all varied

even if the people in my survey don't use watercolours already they are interested in trying iot.

none of the people who took my survey don't currently have watercolour as the majority said that they don't use it.

the majority of people who took my survey are under 18 but young adults still are interested in using watercolours.

for my research i decided to use references from other paint adverts
the first one i looked at was:

paint advert - crown paint - walls come to life TV advert

in this advert it gives the paint a human characteristic as the paint moves on its own and travels around the house as a dancer, birds, a city and an octopus which gives an impression that the paint is alive.

the narrator is saying that it isn't just paint its personal, and that the wall isn't just a wall its a canvas which gives us, the audience, a sense of artistry as if we are artists and not just painting a wall.

another advert i looked at was the wickes advert

wickes paint advert

in this advert is shows that wickes paint is the best paint option because it describes the first paint option as a thick coat, stiff brush and that the paint sprays.

but the man in the adverts friend knew about wickes and that they have a huge range of colours, quality paint and the right tools.

and in the advert they say that wickes is the right way.

the price of the watercolours can vary depending where you get them from

the age rating could really be anyone above the age of 7 years as watercolour isn't all that messy and goes away with water but isn't fully safe for kids younger than 7 as they may accidentally eat the paint or paint the walls.


  1. You have conducted research through analysing two moving image adverts, in doing so you have discussed the purpose of adverts and where they are typically found. You have chosen to analyse a Nerf gun advert and a charity advert, for Dogs Trust. You have effectively identified the creative choices made by the advertisers such as the shot types and sounds. What I would like to see if how they are communicating information to the audience, for example. Why are we seeing close ups of the children’s faces? What other choices are communicating information to us? I’d also like you to revisit your conclusion, here I would like you to discuss how the adverts are targeting their audience. What are they doing to persuade their audience that they should buy the product?

    Your survey is at a good level and you have asked questions to identify your audiences demographic and opinions on painting. What I would like to see from this is how that information has help you develop your idea and what you will do to include in your own advert to target this opinions. Should you feel that you don’t know enough about your TA, then interview someone who matches your demographic and ask them more detailed questions.

    Remember that the focus of research is to develop your understanding and influence your own project.


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