
My idea for my advertising project is to do watercolours, at home i have multiple boxes of watercolour which i think could make a cool and effective advert.
Image result for watercolour silhouette"Image result for watercolour painting"Image result for watercolour painting"

For my advert i think i could make a painting using the watercolour to make a pattern that could advertise the paints, i would like to show the colour travelling across the paper in a cool pattern.

to make this i would like to have my friends help me with making this.

When the watercolour stops travelling the camera will zoom out revealing and image that could spell out the brand of watercolour colours.

these are the ones i have at home 
Image result for prang watercolor"in the description of this
PRANG Oval-8 Pan Watercolour Paint Set, 8 Assorted Colours, Refillable, Includes Brush (00800) Crayola Washable Watercolours, 16 Count (Pack of 2) Total 32 Count. Crayola Artista 8 Semi-Moist Oval Pans Watercolour Set with Brush. PRANG Half Pan Watercolour Paint Set with Brush and Lid, 8 Assorted Colours (08000)

the video will be a kind of visual abstract style and for the print parts i think i could work well as a billboard, leaflet and a poster.

for the music i think it should be somewhat calm as the visuals be sort of aesthetic so upbeat, fast paced music wouldn't be the best to accompany it, maybe i could add piano music.

for some of the art which has pure black i am going to make that part digital and then print it to then add the watercolours.

i have been watching other peoples watercolour video's to get inspiration and my idea's for my poster is to paint a picture using the watercolours, for one of my adverts i would like to do a landscape and for the other poster i would like to have a character perhaps or the palette in the centre with paint around it.

landscape inspiration

character inspiration

galaxy inspiration

for the music i have a couple idea's:

paradise - cold play instrumental.

Lindsey Stirling - phoenix or first light.

Rihanna - towards the sun.

The songs which i have chosen aren't too fast paced but has a beat that could work for a speed-paint using the watercolours and could be catchy for an audience to remember the advert and link the song to the advert.

For the advert i will be using paradise by cold play since i think i would help the aesthetic i am looking for.


title : prang watercolour.

genre : advert.

target audience : students, teenagers and adults my product is a type that the majority of people can                               use as it can appeal to practically everyone, both male and female.

character breakdown : in my advert there isn't a character in it but if they were in the frame they would probably be quite artistic, the gender wouldn't be specified as the gender doesn't matter as this product could appeal to both genders.

visual elements : * the lighting will need to be relatively bright to see the watercolours mix together.

                             * the camera angles will be directly opposite the watercolour paper.

                             * i would like the editing to be smooth as that will link with how the watercolours                                    work.

                             * the setting in my advert doesn't really matter as we wont see that on the frame all                                  i require for the setting will be a clean and blank desk.

                             * the props i will be the product (the prang watercolours), some paint brushes,                                          watercolour paper, water and a container to keep the area clean.

                             * for my advert there won't be a need for any specific costume as there won't be                                      anyone in the frame.

                             * for the graphics i may want to add text about the product and maybe add filters                                    in the final draft however it does depend on how the shots are filmed.

audio elements : * for the sound/ music for my advert i would like to use the song paradise by                                            coldplay but i intend to use the instrumental version.

                           * for the sound effects like Foley i may not end up adding them however if i feel                                      that i need voice overs i can add them.

the rationale - (why i chose this idea?) i chose doing watercolour because i think i would make an                               effective advert as there are many creative they could be advertised for example the                             shots could flow together really well as watercolours blend into different colours                                   really well and would be effective in an advert.

primary and secondary research - i looked at two different paint adverts to develop my initial idea,                                                             in the adverts showed that the product were the best quality and                                                             showed that with these paints you can become a sort of artist                                                                   and that the paint moves on its own/ it flows across the walls.                                                                 Even though these adverts aren't about artist paints, it suggests                                                               idea's that could work in my watercolour advert.

requirements and resources - what i needed for my advert was the watercolours which i had at home,                                                 paint brushes which i also had, watercolour paper which i bought, and                                                   some equipment from the college itself like the camera's and the tripod                                                 for the camera and for the setting we used a table to put the product on                                                   and paint on.

constraints and contingency - the problems and risks that are most likely to occur are:

* getting water on the camera could get you electrocuted or break the camera
* losing small parts like an SD card could be quite the problem

   with my advertising project there aren't many risks that may occur with it

legal and ethical consideration - i plan on using cold-play's song paradise the instrumental version                                                           as i think it could work well as an advert for watercolours, as for                                                           the location i got the permission to film at the college and use the                                                           equipment.

proposed schedule -  for my schedule i think i would be best to plan the scenes and the order they                                          will be going in, so i could film them and get all of the scenes ready and                                                filmed so i know the rough scenes and how they will look together and time                                          them accordingly to the 30 seconds that advert should be.
                                    As for filming time it should make about an hour at most for one shooting as                                        all that will be filmed is me painting using the watercolours and make the                                              colour travel across the page.
