
planning for my advert

I am planning to have watercolours spread across the page so a am practising this using a load of different shapes both random and proper shapes and words.

I also did some galaxy like practice and a silhouette of a girl, i found it easier to put water on the page first and then put the paint on and add water onto the paint and let it drip down either by itself or by helping it by using gravity.

here are some examples:

Image result for watercolour splatter"Image result for watercolour drip art"Image result for watercolour drip art"
this can look really effective it could look like rain or like a galaxy. And in my advert this is going to be used in the background of the logo of the watercolours.

for the advert video i am planning to draw an image that could show the extent of colours and its opacity it could look like this.

Image result for watercolour drip art"Image result for watercolour drip art"Image result for watercolour drip art"

for my advert i would like to do an animated character to appeal to the younger generation about watercolours.

Image result for watercolour animated"Image result for watercolour animated"

i have done a couple sketches of characters which could be used in the advert to appeal to the younger generation i have the before and after shots from when they were painted.

for my advert i plan to use the song paradise be cold-play the instrumental version.

a lot of my advert i think should be splatters of colours and the mixing of them as with the music that i am planning to use would work well with it.

with the camera angles i think that they would work well as a birds eye view so the colours are all that can be seen.

i will have my friends helping me film and get the effects i want.

for my story board i have the scene and the shots as follows:

1: big close up of me painting while the paint itself disperses across the page

2: a close up of the paintbrush swishing across the page and we see the paint disperse again

3: another close up of the paint mixing together

4: a close up shot of watercolour dripping down the page

5: a shot that slowly zooms into the logo of the prang watercolours

6: it then cuts to the case/ palette of the watercolours

7: at the end i intend of adding splatters of the paint on the case

for the posters i plan on having the first poster - an image painted using the watercolours.
                                                    second poster - an image of the watercolour palette with a bunch of                                                                                 watercolour splatter around it. something like this:
Image result for prang watercolor"

for my advert video and the posters for the advert i plan to show the price from as that is where i got it from and the price went down from when i got it so it would be good to show the great price of the paints.

this is my first idea, i think it could work well to advertise watercolours as its simple yet effective with all of the splatters of paint which makes up for the lack of text but it does get to the point

my storyboard that i made

for the actual painting i have been practising by painting pictures and trying out new techniques

i coloured the title to practise how to make galaxy patterns and how to make the paint move in the water and make the colours to blend together.
i found that the best way to do this is to wet the watercolour paper and put paint directly on it.

to know how i was going to blend the colours i decided to practice on a picture of a girl i drew and use the same technique of putting the water on the paper first and i found that it helped me mix the colours together.

the next technique i practised was to splatter the paint in a satisfying way where all the colours looked good together, i found that putting the water on the paper first created the paint travelling effect that looked cool all separate as they come together.

i then practised putting colourful water on the watercolour paper and tried getting the same effect i have been trying to get and it worked to an extent it didn't get the exact effect i was looking for but still looked cool.

i then got a couple shots of the watercolours themselves to try and get the perfect shot of them, however my palette was quite dirty so i did have to clean it before taking the final footage.

the next technique i attempted, was the drips of the paint i found it quite difficult to get the drips looking the way i wanted them to. i ended up trying putting water on the paper first which really didn't work out as the paint travelled all over the page which i didn't want
